The integrated intensities, frequencies, and half-band widths of the fundamental sym~netric and asynlmetric NH2 stretching vibrations in 33 ortho-substituted anilines, lneas~~red in dilute carbon tetrachloride solution, have been examined in relation to the corresponding absorption band parameters for 31 meta-and para-substituted anilines, talcing into consideration the electronic effects of the substituents. From an almost tetrahedral configuration in $-phenylenediamine, the calculated s-character of the nitrogen atom gradually increases as the substituent groups become inore electron withdrawing, with a resultant increase ill the apparent HNI-I angle and the KII force constant. Ortho substitution in general leads to enhanced H N H angle opening, probably because of intrarllolecular hydrogen bonding. The decrease in half-bancl width for both vibrational modes in o r t h o -s~~b s t i t~~t e d anilines with respect to corresponding values in meta and para compounds is ascribed to steric hindrance to solvation of thc amino group.The asymmetric intensities in ortho-substituted anilines are generally i~lcreased over corresponding v a l~~e s in meta and para compounds, unlike the behavior of the symmetric mode. These results are consistent with a vibrational nlechanisill taking into acco~lnt the following factors for each mode: (i) the direction of the transition moment, (ii) the estent of nitrogen lone pair and aromatic T-electron participation, and (iii) the direct field effect of the ortho substitucnt.