Compositional models were initially described for discrete probability theory, and later extended for possibility theory and for belief functions in Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory of evidence. Valuation-based system (VBS) is an unifying theoretical framework generalizing some of the well known and frequently used uncertainty calculi. This generalization enables us to not only highlight the most important theoretical properties necessary for efficient inference (analogous to Bayesian inference in the framework of Bayesian network), but also to design efficient computational procedures. Some of the specific calculi covered by VBS are probability theory, a version of possibility theory where combination is the product t-norm, Spohn's epistemic belief theory, and D-S belief function theory. In this paper, we describe compositional models in the general framework of VBS using the semantics of no-double counting, which is central to the VBS framework. Also, we show that conditioning can be expressed using the composition operator. We define a special case of compositional models called decomposable models, again in the VBS framework, and demonstrate that for the class of decomposable compositional models, conditioning can be done using local computation. As all results are obtained for the VBS framework, they hold in all calculi that fit in the VBS framework. For the D-S theory of belief functions, the compositional model defined here differs from the one studied by Jiroušek, Vejnarová, and Daniel. The latter model can also be described in the VBS framework, but with a combination operator that is different from Dempster's rule of combination. For the version of possibility theory in which combination is the product t-norm, the compositional model defined here reduces to the one studied by Vejnarová.
IntroductionThe framework of valuation-based systems (VBS) was introduced in [28,32,34] . The main idea behind VBS is to capture the common features of various uncertainty calculi and other domains such as optimization, decision-making theories, database systems, and solving systems of equations. Briefly, knowledge about a set of variables is represented by a set of functions called valuations. Each valuation is associated with a subset of variables. There are two operators called combination and marginalization. Combination allows us to aggregate knowledge, and marginalization allows us to coarsen knowledge to a smaller set of variables. The combination of all valuations, called the joint valuation, represents the joint knowledge of all variables. Making inferences can be described as finding marginals of the joint valuation for variables of interest. The VBS framework can be used to describe various uncertainty theories such as probability theory, a version of possibility theory where combination is the product t-norm [43], Spohn's epistemic belief theory [37,30], and Dempster-Shafer (D-S) belief function theory [26]. It can also be used to describe, e.g., propositional logic [29], solving systems of equations [25...