UNCLASSIFIED 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEYWORDS (Continue on reverse side if necessary and identify by block number) APSE Evaluation & Validation Task 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse side if necessary and identify by block number) The purpose of theE&V Reference Manual is to provide information that will help users to: Gain an overall understanding of APSEs and approaches to their assessment, find useful reference information about specific elements and relationships between elements and find criteria and metrics for assessing tools and APSEs and techniques for performing such assessment. The latter are to be found ina companion document call the E&V Guidebook. __ DD ".uM 1473 EDITION OF 1 NOV 65 IS OBSOLETE 1 JAN 73 S/N 0102-LF-014-6601 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) NOTICE When Government drawings, specifications, or other data are used for any purpose other than in connection with a definitely related Government procurement operation, the United States Government thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation whatsoever; and the fact that the government may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data, is not to be regarded by implication or otherwise as in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use, or sell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. This report has been reviewed by the Office of Public Affairs, (ASO/PA) and is releasable to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). At NTIS, it will be available to the general public, including foreign nations. This technical report has been reviewed and is approved for publication. m RAYMVNQ) SZYMM5~iK Date Project Engineer FOR THE COMMANDER EDWARD RASKA, JR, MHaj. USAFae Acting Deputy Chief ANAL /AAA.