Abstract:We report on a study of polarization-modulation experiments on the 4 → 3 hyperfine component of the D 1 transition in Cs vapor contained in a paraffin-coated cell. The laser beam's polarization was switched between left-and right-circular polarization at a rate of 200 Hz. Variations of the transmitted light power were recorded while varying the amplitude of a transverse magnetic field. The power shows electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) resonances when the atomic Larmor frequency matches a harmonic of the modulation frequency. We made a quantitative study of the resonance amplitudes with square-wave modulations of various duty cycles, and find an excellent agreement with recent algebraic model predictions.
References and links1. W. Bell and A. Bloom, "Optically driven spin precession," Phys. Rev. Lett. 6, 280-281 (1961).
1Published in " " which should be cited to refer to this work.http://doc.rero.ch atomic magnetometers: from gas discharge to laser pumping," Laser Phys. 251, 244-251 (1996).