ABSTRACT. Consumption and assi~mlation rates of marine zooplankton feeding on large, abundant aggregates, known as marine snow, were measured for the first time. Two common zooplankton species, the euphausiid Euphausia pacifica and the copepod Calanuspacificus, consumed diverse types of field-collected marine snow, including diatom flocs, abandoned larvacean houses, and dinoflagellate aggregates, regardless of their composition, C:N ratio, age, or the availability of alternate dispersed food. Ingest~on rates of aggregates by E. pacifica increased with Increasing marine snow concentration, although in situ concentrations of aggregates were not sufficient to elic~t a maximum ingestion rate Ingestion rates of aggregates by E. pacifica at higher aggregate concentrations were from 9 to 15 pg C euphausiid-' h-'. Assimilation efficiencies of euphausiids grazing on marine snow were 83 % (dinoflagellate snow) and 64 to 75% (diatom/larvacean house snow) These results indicate that marine snow can be an ~mportant food source for marine zooplankton and that consumption of large aggregates 1s likely to play a role in the cycling of carbon and the structure of food webs In the pelagic zone of the ocean.