1 In circular lengths cut from the basilar artery of guinea-pig (0.2-0.3 mm o.d.) relaxations induced by substance P and neurokinin A were highly susceptible to mechanical damage of the endothelium by rubbing. The precontraction induced by prostaglandin F2, but not that of 124 mm potassium was reduced considerably by the rubbing procedure. 2 Concentration-dependent relaxations were evoked by tachykinin agonists in the following order of potency: substance P = physalaemin> neurokinin A > eledoisin. Physalaemin was, however, a partial agonist, giving only half the maximum relaxation as compared to the other tachykinins. 4 The results suggest the presence of tachykinin receptors of the 'SP-P' type in guinea-pig basilar arteries which, for induction of relaxation, involves the release of an endothelium-derived relaxing factor.