figure) is similar to the AR curve in ϭ 0Њ plane. It is seen that in the peak gain direction ϭ 90Њ, where AR ϭ 1 (or 0 dB) in theory, the measured value AR ϭ 1.1 (or 0.8 dB) is quite close. Within the beamwidth region (or Ϫ3 dB-angular sector) of the gain radiation pattern AR is less than 1.41 or 3 dB, which is well within the customary requirements for medium-gain antennas with circular polarization [9].
CONCLUSIONSIn this article a folded-wire X antenna is introduced and applied for construction of a low-profile directive flat-reflector antenna. The two orthogonal input ports of the X antenna produce the same gain radiation patterns but different orthogonal polarizations. Both ports of the studied UHF X antenna model have equal input impedances of about 160 ⍀ at resonance. Because of its structural symmetry, the X antenna possesses very large inter-port and far-field crosspolar isolations. The single-port fed X antenna behaves like a half-wave dipole and the double-port fed X antenna acts as an array of two crossed dipoles.The low-profile X antenna located in front of a flat reflector has a very simple feed circuit, where both ports are connected to two 50-⍀ coaxial cables (loads) in balun-like manner. Compared with the standard reflector antenna with an active element (dipole, loop, and X antenna) located at a distance of 0.25-0.35 wavelengths, the low-profile reflector X antenna features about 2.5-3.0 dB higher gain, and thus, possesses an useful super-directivity. In addition, the reflector X antenna has much better input and cross-polar isolation compared with the similar low-profile array of two folded half-wave dipoles located in front of the same-size flat reflector.Future applications of the folded-wire X antennas may include linear or circular polarization diversity RF/microwave earth or satellite communication and measurement systems, radars, etc.