In this study, in order to clarify the relationship between health and physical strength, athletic capability, school life, and lifestyles, we collated the results of physical fitness tests with questionnaire surveys of 102 elementary school fifth-grade males and females. In the school life aspect, children who scored high on the physical fitness test, like Physical Education, enjoy learning, play well with friends while in the lifestyle aspect, they clean up their surroundings and rooms, study even without being told and there is a tendency for them to make their own plan. In addition, it was confirmed that children with high physical fitness test scores were in good condition, such as being healthy every day and hardly getting sick. On the other hand, in relation to the physical fitness test scores and the body shape by BMI, there were many high scorers among the children whose body figure was standard. These results suggest that physical fitness and athletic capability are related to children’s school life and health, and that high physical fitness has a positive impact on children’s school life and health.