ABSTRACT-Purinoceptor-mediated responses were characterized in the ileum of Suncus murinus. Adenosine as well as adenosine 5 triphosphate (ATP) contracted the ileum in a concentration-dependent manner. Contractile responses to transmural electrical stimulation were attenuated by adenosine only at high concentrations. Theophylline competitively blocked the adenosine-induced contraction. Atropine also inhibited the adenosine-induced contraction but in a non-competitive manner. The ATP-induced contrac tion was not affected by theophylline, atropine or a,13-methylene ATP. Indomethacin shifted the concentra tion-response curves for adenosine and ATP to the right. These results suggest that adenosine elicited con tractions via direct stimulation of postsynaptic PI-purinoceptors and postsynaptic potentiation of the acetylcholine response. Suncus ileum will be a unique model for the analyses of purinoceptor-mediated responses.
Keywords:Purinoceptor, Purine nucleotide, Theophylline, Atropine, IndomethacinSuncus murinus (suncus), which belongs to the family Soricidae of the order insectivore, is regarded as the direct ancestor of the primate in the phylogenetic system (1). We have been characterizing the suncus and found that this animal is a good model for studies on nerve growth factor (2), stress (3), emesis (4), motion sickness (5) and lipid metabolism (6, 7). As for the pharmacological properties of their cardiovascular systems, the following unique fea tures were found: norepinephrine decreases the heart rate (8); ~-adrenoceptor-mediated response is deficient in the cardiac muscle (9) and the duration of cardiac action potential is extremely short (10). However, little is known about the pharmacological properties of suncus smooth muscle. In tracheal smooth muscle, the j3-adrenoceptor mediated response is also small (11). Muraki et al. (12) showed that isoproterenol, histamine and neuropeptides cause unique responses of suncus intestine.In the present study, effects of purine derivatives on contraction of suncus ileum were studied for the possible use of the preparation as a new experimental model. The purine derivatives, such as adenosine and adenine nucleo tides, exert several physiological and pharmacological effects on a variety of tissues innervated by the autonomic nervous system (13,14).
Recording of mechanical responses of isolated prepara tionsMale adult suncus (50-75 g) were sacrificed, and the in testines were quickly isolated. Since the suncus intestine is short and lacks a cecum, appendix vermiformis and tae nia coli, it is rather difficult to distinguish among the duo denum, jejunum, ileum and colon (15). We regarded the proximal (oral) part of the intestine (of about 3 cm) as the duodenum and the distal (anal) part of 1 cm as the colon. The remainder of the intestine was cut into 3-cm-long pieces and used for experiments as ileal preparations.Each preparation was vertically mounted in a 5 ml-or gan bath containing physiological salt solution of the fol lowing composition: 118.0...