We show two-dimensional numerical simulations of the gravitational collapse of rotating gas clouds. We assume the polytropic equation of state, P \ Koc, to take account of the temperature change during the collapse. Our numerical simulations have two model parameters, b and c, which specify the initial rotation velocity and polytropic index, respectively. We show three models, b \ 1.0, 0.5, and 0.2, for each c, which is taken to be 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 1.05, 1.1, or 1.2. These 18 models are compared with previously reported isothermal models (c \ 1). In each model a rotating cylindrical cloud initially in equilibrium fragments periodically because of the growth of a velocity perturbation and forms cloud cores. The cloud core becomes a dynamically collapsing gaseous disk whose central density increases with time (t) inThis collapse is qualitatively similar in density and velocity distributions o c P (t [ t 0 )~2. to the runaway collapse of a rotating isothermal cloud. The surface density of the disk, &, is proportional to the power of the radial distance, &(r) P r1~2c, in the envelope. Models with c [ 1 have geometrically thick disks (aspect ratio while those with c \ 1 have very thin disks While. the former disks are stable, the latter disks are unstable against fragmentation if we adopt the Toomre stability criterion for a thin gaseous disk. Our numerical simulations also show the growth of a rotationally supported disk by radial accretion in a period for models with c [ 1. The accretion phase t [ t 0 starts at a stage in which the central density is still Ðnite. The central density at the beginning of the accretion phase is lower when b and c are larger. Our models with c \ 1 are applicable to star formation in turbulent gas clouds in which the e †ective sound speed decreases with increase in the density. Our models with c [ 1 are applicable to star formation in primordial clouds in which the temperature increase during the collapse is due to less efficient cooling.