At present, there is no doubt that the cerebral cortex continuously receives information about the state of the internal organs and visceral systems and, being the cen tral coordinating organ, ensures normal functioning of the psychoemotional and autonomic sphere in the interaction with the subcortical structures. The basic assumptions about the cortical representation of the internal organs and autonomic cortical centers, as well as about their functional interrelations, were formulated by V.N. Chernigovskii and his school on the basis of vast experimental material. According to Chernigovskii, "what is most essential is the understanding of how and via which pathways the relation and interaction between the representation of afferent and efferent visceral structures at the level of the cerebral cortex occurs …" [1]. These assumptions were confirmed and developed in further investigations of Russian and foreign scien tists [2][3][4][5].Under pathological conditions, disorders in the cerebral central integrative systems ensuring the normal activity of individual organs and visceral systems on the whole are the main cause of psychoemotional auto nomic visceral complaints. However, the mechanisms of these disorders have not been investigated in detail. In our opinion, neurotic depression, in which a wide spec trum of autonomic visceral disorders is revealed in addi tion to affective disorders, is a convenient model for studying these mechanisms. These pathological changes are of functional character and, with modern diagnostic methods, do not reveal the organic basis of changes in the brain or other internal organs.The aim of this work was to study the spatial struc ture of the systemic organization of the brain bioelectri cal activity and the autonomic profile in patients with neurotic depression, compared to the normal state, with subsequent comparison and revelation of relation ships between the neurophysiological and autonomic parameters.Abstract-Studies were conducted with the participation of 20 patients with different classical variants of neurotic depression. The spatial organization of the bioelectrical activity of the brain was studied with the method of cross correlation and coherent analysis. The autonomic-visceral state was assessed by the results of the auricular cryoreflex test (measurement of the cold sensibility of auricular points). The clinical picture of neurotic depression was shown to be reflected in the structure of the EEG spatial organization, which is modified depending on the degree of neurotic depression and the concomitant anxiety and asthenic syn dromes. In the group with depressive syndrome without concomitant asthenic or anxiety manifestations, most changes were revealed in the right frontotemporal-left posterotemporal region. A cross correlation and coherence decrease in the frontotemporal regions of both hemispheres and markedly increased cross corre lations in the right posterotemporal region were revealed in the depression + associated anxiety group. In the group where the depress...