An experimental study is conducted using a 0.075-m ID pipe to inves gate characteris cs of two-and three-phase stra fied flow in a horizontal pipeline. Experiments are conducted under low to medium liquid loading condi ons which is common in wet-gas and long transporta on pipelines. The flow characteris cs inves gated include flow pa ern, liquid holdup and pressure drop. The experimental range covers superficial gas Reynolds numbers from 6314 to 200734, superficial liquid Reynolds numbers from 160 to 4391 and water-cut values from 0 to 90%. Differen al pressure transducers, quick closing valves and a high-speed camera are u lized to obtain the relevant data and the trends inves gated. The observed flow pa erns are stra fied smooth, stra fied wavy and stra fied-annular flow. The transi ons between flow pa erns vary as a func on of water-cut. The effect of water-cut on liquid holdup and pressure drop were rela vely negligible especially at low water-cut condi ons and the fine mixing of the oil-water mixture may be par ally responsible for this. As a result, with the excep on of flow pa ern transi ons, the performances of classical two-phase flow models (for the predic on of liquid holdup and pressure drop) appear unaffected when applied to air-oil-water 3-phase flows especially at high water-cuts.