Abstrset-A 1 month intensive summe~me field study conducted in rural western Maryland resulted in a ~mprehensive set of fine particle, gaseous and met~rolo~~l data. Sulfur in the assumed form of Arnold sulfate accounted for 67% of the average tine particle mass and had a very high correlation with fine particIe mass (r=O.99). Other measured species, including carbon and nitrate, made only minor contributions to the fine mass. Peak sulfate concentrations, averaged over 6-h intervals, exceeded 50 pg mm3. Nitric acid concentrations showed strong daytime maxima and on a 24 h basis were about four times those of fine particle nitrate. Sulfur in the gas phase (SO,) constituted more than half of the total sulfur, indicating that the sampling site was being influenced by local sources. Fine particle selenium was well corretated with fine partide sulfur (r=O.70}. The ratio of fine particle suifur to selenium was 2800, characteristic of a rural site downwind of coal-burning areas. Mixed-layer back trajectories were used to id~t~y possible source regions for the measured parameters. Wind f~quency-noes con~nt~tio~ of parameters associated with coal-burning (S, Se, SO, and mass) were highest for back trajectories arriving at Reep Creek Lake from the west-northwest. Use of Rahn and Lowenthal regional signatures showed an overwhelming dominance by the Lower Midwest region, and a surprisingly weak impact by the Upper Midwest region, at the site.