Yttrium iron garnet (YIG) powdered ceramic powders were synthesized as bulk quantity by traditional solid state synthesis method by the use of yttrium oxide and iron oxide powders. Finely grinded powders were then calcinated for various temperatures such as 900, 1200 oC for 3 hours and 1400oC for 6 hours respectively after making multiple grindings to obtain homogeneity. The calcinated powders were then subjected to phase purity by the use of powder X-ray analysis. As it is clear evident from the samples that the powdered samples were of single phase in nature and that it is clear evident from the nature of the sample which transforms to green in colour from the traditional red iron based oxides. The bonding nature was further ascertained by the used of Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) analysis. Thermal stability and phase formation was confirmed through thermal analysis. The thermo-magnetization curve reveals the curie temperature of the sample which is in good agreemement with that of the reported values. Magnetization versus magnetic field curve was obtained which showed increase in magnetization due to the pure phase formation. These preliminary results suggest that the YIG powders could be made in to ceramic pellets for the use of tunable filters in the areas of microwave oscillators.