“…%A Spherical shaped particle is subdivided into 30 equally delr = R/Np; %radius of individual sections, r1, r2, r3,... r31, m MolWt= 16; % MolWt for Methane, g epsp= 0.3258; %porosity may change to two porosity for micro and macro rho= 1.5477*1e6*(1-epsp); % 1.0435 g/m^3 particle density Rgas= 62.363E-3; % Gas Constant value, mmHg K m^3/mol %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % qAm = 453.8680; % mol/m^3, Langmuir max conc in micropore % EAm= 1.8265073+04; % J/mol Micro % bm=(3.92053995e-6*exp((-EAm/(Rgas*Temp)))); % m3/mol langmuir pressure constant micropore % % qAmo = 0.628392013; % mol/m^3, Langmuir max conc mesopore % EAmo= 85.252602; %J/mol Meso % bmo=(0.4306331*exp((-EAmo/(Rgas*Temp)))); % m3/mol langmuir pressure constant mesopore %new parameters qAm = 5.563499697365191e+02; % mol/m^3, Langmuir max conc in micropore EAm= 1.822936790521974e+04; % J/mol Micro bm=(3.038535432771275e-06*exp((-EAm/(Rgas*Temp)))); % m3/mol langmuir pressure constant micropore qAmo = 2.220556544435218; % mol/m^3, Langmuir max conc mesopore EAmo= 5.582569743563221e+03; %J/mol Meso bmo=(0.057508199598658*exp((-EAmo/(Rgas*Temp)))); % m3/mol langmuir pressure constant mesopore %micro and macro paramters swap to see the match different?? % qAm =0.628392013; % mol/m^3, Langmuir max conc in micropore % EAm= 85.252602; % J/mol Micro % bm=(0.4306331*exp((-EAm/(Rgas*Temp)))); % m3/mol langmuir pressure constant micropore % % qAmo = 453.8680; % mol/m^3, Langmuir max conc mesopore % EAmo= 1.8265073+04; %J/mol Meso % bmo=(3.92053995e-6*exp((-EAmo/(Rgas*Temp)))); % m3/mol langmuir pressure constant mesopore % figure (5),plot(r,Cmi(301,1:Np+1)); % title('CH4 conc in micro all layers vs particle interface') % xlabel('radius "r" cm') % ylabel('CH4 conc mole/m^3') % figure (6),plot(r,Cmo(301,1:Np+1)); % title('CH4 conc in macro all layers vs particle interface') % xlabel('radius "r" cm') % ylabel('CH4 conc mole/m^3') % figure (7),plot(t,N_molads); % title('Normalised CH4 adsorbed vs time') % xlabel('time sec') % ylabel('CH4 amt g') figure (8),plot(t_exp,ads_exp,'. ',t,N_molads); title('CH4 adsorbed per coal mass unit vs time') xlabel('time sec') ylabel('g CH4/g coal expt and model') figure (9),plot(t_exp,ads_exp_abs,'.…”