Fiber-rich fractions (FRF) derived from roller milling of waxy (W) and high amylose (HA) starch hull-less barley genotypes were evaluated for suitability as functional ingredients in fresh and dried white salted (WSN) and fresh yellow alkaline (YAN) noodles. FRF-W and FRF-HA both contained over 300 g kg −1 dietary fiber, and over 200 g kg −1 of β-glucans. Replacement of 250 g kg −1 Canada Prairie Spring White (cv AC Vista) wheat patent flour with the FRF posed no problems in noodle processing, although water absorption had to be substantially increased. All three noodle types enriched with the FRF were significantly darker and contained more brown specks than the wheat flour control noodles. The presence of the FRF reduced cooking time of fresh YAN and WSN by ∼50%. The addition of FRF improved cooked YAN texture, as evidenced by increased firmness and resistance to compression. FRF-enriched fresh WSN were comparable to the wheat flour control noodles for those parameters, whereas enrichment of dry WSN by FRF imparted less firmness and less chewiness. FRF-enriched fresh YAN and WSN offer consumer convenience due to shorter cooking time, improved nutritional quality and acceptable cooking quality. These features might make FRF-enriched noodles sufficiently attractive to health-conscious consumers to overcome the negative effects of color and appearance