1This research evaluated organoclays, zeolites, phosphates, and a biopolymer as 2 sequestering agents for inorganic and organic contaminants. Batch experiments were 3 conducted to identify amendments and mixtures of amendments for metal and organic 4 contaminants removal and retention. Contaminant removal was evaluated by calculating 5 partitioning coefficients. Metal retention was evaluated by desorption studies in which 6 residue from the removal studies was extracted with 1 M MgCl 2 solution. The results 7 indicated that phosphate amendments, some organoclays, and the biopolymer, chitosan, 8 were very effective sequestering agents for metals in fresh and salt water. Organoclays 9 were very effective sorbents for phenanthrene, pyrene, and benzo(a)pyrene. Partitioning 10 coefficients for the organoclays were 3000-3500 ml g -1 for benzo(a)pyrene, 400-450 ml 11 g -1 for pyrene, and 50-70 ml g -1 for phenanthrene. Remediation of sites with a mixture of 12 contaminants is more difficult than sites with a single contaminant because metals and 13 organic contaminants have different fate and transport mechanisms in sediment and water. 14 Mixtures of amendments (e.g., organoclay and rock phosphate) have high potential for 15 remediating both organic and inorganic contaminants under a broad range of 16 environmental conditions, and have promise as components in active caps for sediment 17 remediation. 18 19