Pressure load measurements in operative conditions represent a fundamental parameter for improving the knowledge of the in-flight forcing generation and transmission. Furthermore, it is a fundamental step for assessing the validity and confidence of numerical methods able to predict such pressure loads, usually generated by propulsion and turbulent boundary layer. The experimental in-flight measurements and analysis and the correlation with the numerical methods are activities required as a starting point for studying the transmission mechanism through the fuselage which is responsible for the vibration and noise level which can be measured inside and for identifying potential solutions for their mitigation. The in-flight measurements have been carried out on a Leonardo Helicopter tiltrotor with the main goals to perform the validation of an experimental setup in a fully new environment and the assessment of a data analysis procedure according to the objectives of the Clean Sky 2 Fast Rotorcraft Project T-WING (CS2, Clean Sky 2 joint undertaking third amended bi-annual work plan and budget, 2018–2019).