ResumoContexto: A prática de esportes apresenta efeitos bené cos para o sistema cardiorrespiratório e muscular, para a função comportamental e para a saúde mental. Entretanto, não se sabe o papel do esporte de alto nível na construção de per s resilientes. Objetivos: O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar resiliência, qualidade de vida e ansiedade de ex-atletas de alto rendimento de ginástica artística, de outros esportes e indivíduos não atletas. Métodos: Participaram do estudo ex-atletas de ginástica artística (n = 17), de outras modalidades (n = 15) e indivíduos não atletas (n = 30).
AbstractBackground: e practice of sports has bene cial e ects on cardiorespiratory and muscle systems, behavioral function, and mental health. However, the inuence of elite sports on the development of resilience is not known. Objectives: e objective of the present study was to compare resilience, quality of life, and anxiety in ex-athletes of artistic gymnastic and other sports with non-athletic individuals. Methods: Ex-artistic gymnastics athletes (n = 17), ex-athletes of other sports (n = 15), and non-athletic individuals (n = 30) were recruited. Structured anamneses as well as depression, anxiety, resilience and quality of life scales were applied in all groups. Results: Signi cant di erence between groups were found in resilience (p = 0.001), anxiety (p = 0.049), general health status (p = 0.044), and emotional aspects of quality of life (p = 0.002). Ex-athletes showed greater resilience and better quality of life regarding to emotional aspects than non-athletes. Discussion: Sport seems to contribute to the development of a more resilient pro le and better quality of life.