A method for design of hypersonic nozzles for wind tunnels is developed and implemented on the basis of solving direct problems with various models of the medium and numerical methods of integration of gas-flow equations. Multimodal nozzles for operation in Mach number ranges M out = 8-14 and M out = 14-20 satisfying specified requirements are designed.Introduction. It is known that a good quality of the wind-tunnel flow is ensured by using carefully designed nozzles accelerating the gas flow to a specified velocity. Almost all existing wind tunnels use unimodal nozzles designed for certain operation conditions. As such nozzles are manufactured with specialized equipment providing precision accuracy and are extremely expensive, they are limited in number; therefore, the number of wind-tunnel operation regimes is also limited.The AT-303 hypersonic wind tunnel based at the Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences is designed for operation in wide ranges of the Mach and Reynolds numbers. Therefore, the issue of using multimodal nozzles that can form flows with different parameters with the minimum changes in the nozzle structure has been discussed all the time after wind-tunnel commissioning. The present paper describes the sequence of actions and methods used in numerical design of multimodal nozzles for the AT-303 hypersonic wind tunnel.Multimodal Nozzle Variants. A preliminary analysis of possible variants of the multimodal nozzle was based on the model of an ideal perfect gas. The most effective option in this model for a uniform flow with the output Mach number M out is the use of a three-parameter family W (γ, M out , G) of supersonic contours with a plane sonic line at the input and a uniform characteristic at the output (γ is the ratio of specific heats, M out is the output Mach number, and G is the ratio of the flow rate through the streamline used to construct the nozzle to the flow rate of the nozzle with a corner point). If the ambient pressure does not exceed the pressure at the nozzle exit (output pressure), the operation domain of such nozzles is shaped as a diamond, which can be obtained by means of mirror reflection of the uniform characteristic with respect to the abscissa axis and with respect to the vertical straight line passing through the end point of the nozzle. Obviously, each nozzle of this kind corresponds to one operation mode. The procedure of constructing the family of the contours W (γ, M out , G) by the method of characteristics was described in [1].Variant No. 1. Using the family of the contours W (γ, M out , G) for two modes M 1 and M 2 , we can design a nozzle consisting of a fixed part adjacent to the throat section and a replaceable part adjacent to this fixed part on the right. In this paper, we consider only a bimodal nozzle, but further construction is also applicable to multimodal nozzles as well. The nozzle is constructed as follows: