Lean premixed combustion is important in developing combustors with higher efficiency and lower NOx emission. However, lean premixed combustion involves technical issues that have not been solved yet, such as combustion instabilities. Lieuwen and Zinn (1998) suggested that equivalence ratio oscillation plays a key role in driving instability in low-NOx-emission lean premixed combustors. Lieuwen et al. (2001) showed that instabilities of lean premixed combustion result from a feedback process between heat release, acoustic pressure and equivalence ratio oscillations. Cho and Lieuwen (2005) analyzed the flame response to equivalence ratio perturbations and showed that the heat release response is controlled by the superposition of three disturbances: heat of reaction, flame speed and flame area. These disturbances are directly and indirectly generated by equivalence ratio oscillation. Prior research has shown that the equivalence ratio oscillation, that is, the fuel concentration oscillation, plays a key role in the instability of low-emission lean premixed combustion.The effect on flame motion of fuel concentration oscillation has been numerically investigated. Lauvergne and Egolfopoulos (2000) showed that the flame response is quasi-steady for low-frequency oscillation in mixture composition, whereas the response is substantially attenuated by diffusion at high frequencies. Marzouk et al. (2000) suggested that flame subject to variation in stoichiometric-to-lean equivalence ratio is intensified by a back support effect, which is the result of heat transport from the burnt gas region. Rosdzimin et al. (2012) showed that the motion in flame location create a closed cycle around the location of the flame under the corresponding equivalence ratio in the steady-
AbstractThe criterion for transition from a quasi-steady state to a non-steady state of laminar stagnating lean premixed flame in the presence of oscillation in fuel concentration is discussed experimentally. Two types of mixtures with different Lewis numbers are examined: lean methane/air and lean propane/air mixtures. Sinusoidal oscillation in fuel concentration is effected by an oscillator with two cylinder-piston units that supply leaner and richer mixtures alternately. The flame response under fuel concentration oscillation is measured as a function of frequency. The frequency of fuel concentration oscillation varies within 2-20 Hz, and the burner exit velocity varies within 0.6-1.1 m/s. For both mixtures, oscillator characteristics cause the amplitude of oscillation of the flame position to increase with frequency. The increase in amplitude becomes less sharp as frequency increases further. In the present study, two additional Strouhal numbers, one based on heat transfer and another based on mass transfer, are newly introduced in addition to the ordinary Strouhal number which is based on momentum transfer. When any of these Strouhal numbers exceeds unity, the increase in the amplitude starts to fall off. This indicates that the three Strouhal numbers p...