A survey of the plasma environment within Jupiter's bow shock is presented in terms of the in situ, calibrated electron plasma measurementa made between 10 eV and 5. c .5 keV by the Voyager Plasma Science Experiment (PLS). These measurements have been analyzed and corrected for spacecraft potential variations; the :'.ata have been reduced to nearly model independent macroscopic parameters of the local electron density and temperature. The electron parameters are derived without reference to or internal calibration from the positive ion measurements made by the PL$ experiment. Extensive statistical and direct comparisons with other determinations of the local plasma charge density clearly indicate that the analysis procedures used have successfully and routinely discriminated between spacecraft sheath and ambient plasmas. These statistical cross correlations have been performed over the density range of 10-3 to 2 x 10 2 /cc. These data clearly define the bow shock, the magnetosheath (30-50 eV) the magnetosphere (10 -2 /cc, 2-3 keV) as well as the periodic appearances of the plasma sheet which are illustrated to be routinely cooler than the surroundings. The proximity of the plasma sheet define:. a regime in the magnetosphere where very cold electron plasma (as low as 50 eV) at 40 R can be seen in unexpected density enhancements. These plasma "spikes" in the density can often represent an order of magnitude enhancement above the ambient density and are correlated with diamagnetic depressions. These features have been seen at nearly all magnetic latitudes within the plasma sheet. The temperature within these spikes is lowered by similar factors indicating that the principal density enhancements are of cold plasma. The plasma sheet when traversed in the outer magnetosphere has a similar density and temperature morphology as that seen in these 11 3pikes". In all oases the plaama sheet crossing lasts for intervals commensurate with that defined by the diamagnetic depression in the simultaneously measured and uisplayed magnetic field. The electron temperatures in the plasma sheet in the outer and middle magnetosphore appear to have a positive radial gradient with jovicentric distance. The electron temperature is observed to be lower on the centrifugal, side of the minimum magnetic field strength seen in each sheet, while the suprathermal, electron density is enhanced symmetrically about the locally indicated magnetic equator. The electron distribution functions within the plasma sheet are markedly non-Maxwellian; during the density enhancemeW s of the plasma sheet tie thermal sub-population is generally enhanced more than the suprathermal population. The suprathermal fraction of the electron densf..y within the plasma sheet is an increasing function of jovicentric distance.Direct, in situ sampling of the electron plasma environment of lo's torus clearly illustrates that the system is demonstrably removed from local, thermodynamic equilibrium; these measurements illustrate that between 5.5 and 8.9 R, there are s...