Abstraet. The tremendous development of the electron magnetic resonance (EMR), i.e., electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), electron spin resonance (ESR), and related spectroscopic techniques, and their applications in a number of fields is accompanied by a rather messy situation in the underlying theoretical framework. This is especially true concerning the EPR of transition ions in crystals, where an abundance of notations and lack of widely accepted clear definitions of the basic theoretical concepts characterize the current situation. Asa consequence, proliferation of a number of terminological misconceptions and incorrect relations for the zero-field splitting parameters has taken place. Major problems detrimental for the future of EMR as well as the efforts aimed at alleviating these problems are reviewed. Rationales for coordinated activities in three major directions are outlined. This includes unification of spin Hamiltonian notations, unification of EMR nomenclature, and making better use of the various categories of data generated during EMR studies.
10verview of the Current Situation in the EMR AreaThis paper is an abbreviated version of a presentation at the 31st Congress Ampere [1]. A perusal of the review [2] and the articles collected in ref. 3 as well as the contents of the proceedings of recent electron magnetic resonance (EMR)-related conferences, e.g., the Asia-Pacific Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) (ESR) Society's (APES) Symposia: APES'97 [4], APES'99 [5], and APES'01 [6], provide a compelling evidence of the tremendous development of the experimental EMR techniques since the first observation of the paramagnetic resonance spectrum by Zavoisky in 1944 (see, e.g., reŸ 7). The perspective provided by the resources, e.g., in refs. 3-7, shows the present depth and breadth of the applications of EMR spectroscopy. Various specialized monographs (for references, see ref.2) may be consulted for specific aspects of modern applications of EMR evidenced in, e.g., refs. 3-6.On the theoretical side, the concept of spin Hamiltonian (SH) has become the comerstone underlying all EMR subareas. Most sophisticated forms of SH