Closed recirculation systems (CRS) present an alternative for providing organisms to the aquaculture. A CRS with zero water exchange was used in the present study; the CRS consisted of a culture and maturation facility, bio¢lter system and reservoirs tanks. During two consecutive trials, the CRS e⁄ciency was evaluated by assessing the growth, survival and maturation of juveniles into adults Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone). Throughout the study, water quality parameters (temperature, pH, salinity, NH 3 , NO 2 and NO 3 ) and ion concentration were monitored. Most parameters showed £uctuations without signi¢cant di¡erences. However, a decrease in pH was observed during the maturation phase, and an increase in phosphorus was detected, in both the trials, compared with that in initial seawater. Growth and survival for juvenile and pre-adult shrimps presented similar variations without signi¢cant di¡erences. Female gonadal maturation and spawning rate were not signi¢cantly di¡erent between trials. Unfortunately, shrimp eggs underwent lysis 6 h after spawning. These results show that the growth, survival and maturation obtained under CRS conditions are reproducible, and suggest the possibility of using these systems for biosecure shrimp culture, protected against eventual diseases outbreaks. The results of this study also suggest the importance of future studies addressing ion concentration changes in a CRS with zero water exchange.