The ability to tune competing interactions in the fullerides arises from advances in our ability to grow well-controlled heterogeneous molecular films. Here we describe measurements on potassium doped C 60 (K x C 60 ) ultra-thin films having variable thickness from one to three layers (layer index i = 1, 2, and 3) for three specific doping concentrations (x = 3, 4, and 5). Fig. 1a displays a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) topograph of a representative K x C 60 multilayer on Au(111), where the color scale highlights the plateau structure. Narrow slivers of C 60 -free voids containing only K atoms 3 (brown) exist between continuous patches of K x C 60 . Islands of second (blue) and third layer (red) K x C 60 can be seen residing on top of the first K x C 60 layer (green). The average layer thickness is ~9.9 Å, greater than the 8 Å spacing found in undoped C 60 films 11 .We begin by describing our results for a multilayer of the x = 3 metallic system.Layer-dependent electronic structure in K 3 C 60 can be seen in Fig. 2a, which shows spatially-averaged dI/dV spectra measured at three different layer levels. Within each layer the spectrum is highly uniform with no sign of spatial inhomogeneity such as that found in the surface of bulk fullerides 12 . The first layer dI/dV displays a wide peak at the Fermi energy (E F ), reflecting the large electronic density of states (DOS) of a metallic LUMO-derived band (LUMO = Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Level). In contrast, the second layer spectrum shows a sharp dip at E F , indicating the emergence of an energy gap that tends to split the band into two halves. A similar gap-like feature persists in the third layer. The width of the gap-like feature (measured between adjacent local maxima) is ~ 0.2 eV, a much larger value than the superconducting gap 2∆ sc ~ 6 meV found in bulk K 3 C 60
13.The spatial arrangement of C 60 molecules also changes dramatically with layer index. The first layer of K 3 C 60 (Fig. 2c) exhibits a complex 3 3 × superstructure of bright molecules having different orientation from their dimmed nearest neighbors 8 . In the second layer ( Fig. 2d), however, C 60 molecules form a very simple hexagonal lattice (lattice constant a ~10.5 Å) with long-range orientational ordering. The tri-star-like topography of each molecule suggests that C 60 in the second layer is oriented with a hexagon pointing up 14 . The third layer topograph is the same as the second layer.
4The insulating x = 4 multilayer system displays a similar trend. Fig. 3a shows dI/dV spectra measured on a K 4 C 60 plateau structure where the number of layers is varied from i = 1 to 3. First layer spectra (i = 1) exhibit an insulating energy gap ∆ ~ 0.2 eV that is induced by molecular Jahn-Teller (JT) distortion 8 . As the layer index increases from i = 1 to 3, the energy gap opens continuously (by layer 3 the gap has well-defined edges and a flat bottom). The gap amplitudes observed here are estimated to be ∆ ~ 0.6 eV and 0.8 eV for layer 2 and 3 respectively. As seen in the metallic x = 3 ...