“…In contrast to the average continuous endothe lial cell antigenicity, splenic sinusoidal endo thelial cells express Leu-2 [Turner et al, 1986;Buckley et al, 1985;Buckley and Dickson, 1984] and the transferrin receptor OKT 9 [Buckley et al, 1985], and lack HC1 [Posnett et al, 1984;Rutgers et al, 1986;Scully et al, 1988] and B721 [Voland et al, 1987;Scully et al, 1988]; liver sinusoidal endothelial cells express Leu M3 [Turner et al, 1986], 63D3 and 61D3 [Turner et al, 1986;Ugolini et al, 1980] and lack von-Willebrand antigen I and II, HC1 and B721, renal glomerular endothelial cells lack vonWillebrand antigen I and II. HLA-DR anti gens, OKM 5 [Knowles II et al, 1984] and B721, and acute inflammatory endothelial cells in addition express the putative leuko cyte adhesion molecules H4/18 [Pober et al, 1986] and 4D10 [Goerdt et al, 1987] and the C3b receptor To5 [Smiley et al, 1985;Gerdes et al, 1981;Ryan et al, 1981]. Minor differences are seen, e.g.…”