Modern System-on-Chip (SoC) architectures necessitate low-voltage (LV) core transistors featuring excellent digital, analog, and radio frequency (RF) properties, as well as thick oxide transistors serving as robust I/O buffers and high-voltage (HV) transistors essential for efficient power management. This study presents a comprehensive DC to RF characterization, a detailed modeling strategy, and subsequent model parameter extraction for commercially produced LV and HV Fin Field Effect Transistors (FinFETs) at 14/16 nm technology. The industry-standard BSIM-CMG compact model is modified to accurately capture the characteristics of the HV FinFET devices integrated with the digital LV FinFETs for SoC applications. A detailed analysis of the DC, analog, and RF performance of LV, I/O, and HV FinFETs compared to the contemporary planar CMOS technology is performed. The large-signal performance of the device is evaluated using the developed model and validated with the measured data. Finally, a concise overview of the performance indicators associated with the modeled device is also presented.