Since 2002, we have been developing a CO 2 -Sn-LPP EUV light source, the most promising solution as the 13.5 nm high power (>200 W) light source for HVM EUV lithography. Because of its high efficiency, power scalability and spatial freedom around plasma. Our group has proposed several unique original technologies; 1) CO 2 laser driven Sn plasma generation, 2) Double laser pulse shooting for higher Sn ionization rate and higher CE. 3) Sn debris mitigation with a magnetic field, 4) Hybrid CO 2 laser system that is scalable with a combination of a short pulse oscillator and commercial cw-CO 2 amplifiers. 5) High efficient out of band light reduction with grating structured C1 mirror. In past paper we demonstrated in small size (2Hz) experimental device, this experiment shoed the advantage of combining a laser beam at a wavelength of the CO 2 laser system with Sn plasma to achieve high CE>4.7% (in maximum) from driver laser pulse energy to EUV in-band energy 1) . In this paper we report the further updated results from last paper. (1) 20um droplets at 100kHz operation was successfully ejected by downsized nozzle and demonstrated dramatical improvement of debris on the collector mirror. We have been developing extension of high CE operation condition at 20kHz range, We have reported component technology progress of EUV light source system. (2)New generation collector mirror with IR reduction technology is equipped in mirror maker. (3)20kW CO 2 laser amplifier system is demonstrated cooperate with Mitsubishi electric. (4) We develop new Proto #2 EUV LPP source system and demonstrated 200W EUV plasma power (43W EUV clean power at I/F ) at 100kHz operation was confirmed. (5) High conversion efficiency (CE) of 3.9% at 20kHz operation was confirmed in using pico-second pre-pulse laser. (6)Improvement of CO 2 laser power from 8kW to 12kW is now on going by installation of new pre-amplifier. (7)Power-up scenario of HVM source is reported, target shipment of first customer beta LPP light source unit is 2015.