Sugars and sorbitol were determined on corn (Zea mays L.) kernels harvested at various developmental stages, using sugary (su), sugarysugary enancer (su se), and starchy (Su) cultivars. In all cultivars tested, the sorbitol content increased from trace amounts in unpollinated ovules to a maximum at about the time that rapid starch synthesis was proceeding. Thereafter, sorbitol and sugars decreased continuously to the mature dry stage. Sorbitol in the su se kernels was higher than that of other cultivars from 28 days postpollination onwards; sucrose and maltose were higher from 21 days onwards. I'4qSorbitol was recovered from kernel base, pedicel, and endosperm of IL677a (su se) kernels after allowing a flag leaf to fix '4C02 photosynthetically. No j"Cqsorbitol was detected in the shank of the ear, and none was detected by the gas chromatograph.4CqSucrose was the predominant labeled substance recovered from the kernel base, pedicel, and endosperm tissues during the 10-h chase period, as well as from the shank of the ear, and nonradioactive sucrose was the predominant ethanol-soluble compound detected by the gas chromatograph. Hence, sorbitol appears not to be translocated from corn leaves as it is in certain woody plants of the rose family. The altered sugar profile of sit se kernels may be related to reduced starch synthesis, but the biochemical mechanism is not yet known.The su3 inbred, IL677a, has a recessive modifier (se) that causes increased sugar levels in developing seeds compared to other su varieties that lack se (9, 10, 13). Sucrose is approximately doubled, -and maltose appears as the se seeds mature. IL677a kernels possess normal levels of phytoglycogen (8) (IL677a, IL73 la), and four Su. Two ofthe latter were dent corn (B73, B73XMO 17) and two were roasting ears bred for human consumption (TX 17w and an inbred selection of TX 17w). A hybrid of each genotype was included (except none of su se was available) to ensure production of adequate amounts of seed in case growing conditions were as poor as during the previous summer. Three selfpollinated ears of each variety were harvested weekly through 35 d postpollination. These ears were frozen immediately after harvest, and stored at -80°C until analysis. Mature dry ears were harvested also.Extraction and Analysis of Sugars and Sorbitol. These procedures were patterned after those used earlier (9, 10). A sample of frozen kernels (5-6 g) was taken from each ear and extracted in a Sorvall Omni-Mixer with boiling 80% (v/v) ethanol. All su varieties were homogenized with 25 ml ethanol, and the homogenate was clarified by centrifugation at 17,000g. Each pellet was rinsed three times with 25-ml portions of 80% ethanol. Rinses and initial extract were combined, and the final volume was adjusted to 100 ml. Frozen samples from the Su varieties were extracted into a final volume of 50 ml. Samples of meal (3.0 g) from the dry seeds were extracted with 50 ml (Su lines) or 100 ml of 80% ethanol (all other lines). Duplicate samples of each ethanol extract were...