A human -ketoacyl synthase implicated in a mitochondrial pathway for fatty acid synthesis has been identified, cloned, expressed, and characterized. Sequence analysis indicates that the protein is more closely related to freestanding counterparts found in prokaryotes and chloroplasts than it is to the -ketoacyl synthase domain of the human cytosolic fatty acid synthase. The full-length nuclear-encoded 459-residue protein includes an N-terminal sequence element of ϳ38 residues that functions as a mitochondrial targeting sequence. The enzyme can elongate acyl-chains containing 2-14 carbon atoms with malonyl moieties attached in thioester linkage to the human mitochondrial acyl carrier protein and is able to restore growth to the respiratory-deficient yeast mutant cem1 that lacks the endogenous mitochondrial -ketoacyl synthase and exhibits lowered lipoic acid levels. To date, four components of a putative type II mitochondrial fatty acid synthase pathway have been identified in humans: acyl carrier protein, malonyl transferase, -ketoacyl synthase, and enoyl reductase. The substrate specificity and complementation data for the -ketoacyl synthase suggest that, as in plants and fungi, in humans this pathway may play an important role in the generation of octanoyl-acyl carrier protein, the lipoic acid precursor, as well as longer chain fatty acids that are required for optimal mitochondrial function.Over the last decade, it has become clear that fungal and plant mitochondria are capable of synthesizing fatty acids de novo (1-6). The enzymes involved in the pathway are freestanding, monofunctional proteins of the type II variety and are distinct from the multifunctional polypeptide type I FASs 1 present in the cytosol of fungi and animals. Thus far, the preponderance of evidence suggests that these mitochondrial FAS pathways function to produce octanoyl-ACP, the precursor of lipoic acid (4) and longer chain-length fatty acids that may be utilized for the remodeling of mitochondrial membrane phospholipids (7). The presence of a similar mitochondrial FAS system in animals has been suspected for some time, based initially on the discovery of an ACP-like protein in animal mitochondria (8, 9). However, only recently have other components of a putative mitochondrial FAS been identified, cloned, and characterized; they include the human ACP and malonyl transferase (10) and enoyl reductase (11). In continuation of the search for other components, we have now identified and characterized a single candidate for a type II human mitochondrial -ketoacyl synthase, the critical enzyme required for catalysis of the chain-elongating condensation reaction.
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURESCloning of the Human Mitochondrial -Ketoacyl Synthase-Using the sequences of several authentic type I and type II -ketoacyl synthases as probes to BLAST search the human genome sequence data base, we identified a sequence (accession NP_060367) that also was represented in a human EST clone (IMAGE clone 3446492, ATCC MGC-4956) and appeared likely to encode...