Conditional gene silencing by RNA interference in Trypanosoma brucei can be inconclusive if knockdowns are inefficient or have off-target effects. To enable efficient, specific silencing of single-copy genes in mammalian-infective, bloodstream form trypanosomes, we developed a system that targets the heterologous and functional Trypanosoma cruzi U2AF35 3= untranslated region (UTR) (Tc3) or, alternatively, the sequence of the PTP tag, which can be fused to any mRNA of interest. Two cell lines were created, single-marker Tc3 (smTc3) and smPTP, which conditionally express Tc3 and PTP double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), respectively. The system depends on manipulating both alleles of the gene of interest so that cells exclusively express the target mRNA as a fusion to one of these heterologous sequences. We generated allele integration vectors in which the C-terminal part of a gene's coding sequence can be fused to either heterologous sequence in a single cloning step. We first tested this system with CITFA7, which encodes a well-characterized subunit of the class I transcription factor A (CITFA), an essential factor for transcription initiation by RNA polymerase I. Targeting either Tc3 or PTP fused to the CITFA7 mRNA resulted in gene knockdowns that were as efficient and specific as targeting the endogenous CITFA7 mRNA. Moreover, application of this system to CITFA1, which could not be silenced by established methods, demonstrated that the gene encodes an essential CITFA subunit that mediates binding of the transcription factor complex to RNA polymerase I promoters.