We developed the Lipid Qualitative/Quantitative Analysis (LipidQA) software platform to identify and quantitate complex lipid molecular species in biological mixtures. LipidQA can process raw electronic data files from the TSQ-7000 triple stage quadrupole and LTQ linear ion trap mass spectrometers from Thermo-Finnigan and the Q-TOF hybrid quadrupole/time-of-flight instrument from Waters-Micromass and could readily be modified to accommodate data from others. The program processes multiple spectra in a few seconds and includes a deisotoping algorithm that increases the accuracy of structural identification and quantitation. Identification is achieved by comparing MS 2 spectra obtained in a data-dependent manner to a library of reference spectra of complex lipids that we have acquired or constructed from established fragmentation rules. The current form of the algorithm can process data acquired in negative or positive ion mode for glycerophospholipid species of all major head-group classes. [4 -6]. This greatly simplified lipid analyses and led to ESI/MS/MS-based "high-throughput" approaches to characterizing biological lipid mixtures [3,7]. Several factors complicate efforts to make such approaches routine: (1) unfractionated biological extracts to which high throughput approaches are applied contain many lipid molecular species. (2) This complexity increases the likelihood that abundant isotope peaks of one molecular species will exhibit m/z values identical to those of (pseudo)molecular ions (e.g.,of distinct molecular species, e.g., one that differs by a single degree of unsaturation, and it is thus important to perform precise deisotoping to achieve accurate quantitation. (3) Sample complexity also increases the difficulty of identifying lipid species from MS spectra only, which necessitates MS/MS analyses, and interpreting MS/MS spectra by direct inspection is time-consuming and requires conversance with lipid fragmentation patterns. (4) High throughput methods quickly generate huge amounts of data that are difficult to process manually. These factors motivate developing computerized algorithms to process data from highthroughput ESI/MS/MS analyses of lipids.Recently, the program fatty acid analysis tool (FAAT) was developed to analyze high-resolution mass spectra of lipids obtained with FT-ICR instruments [8]. Another program ("Lipid Profiler") employs a multiple precursor ion tandem MS scanning approach to identify and quantitate glycerolipid molecular species in mixtures [9], and the program LipidInspector [10] achieves lipid profiling by multiple precursor ion and neutral loss scanning driven by data-dependent MS/MS acquisition. Both Lipid Profiler and LipidInspector are based on algorithms for data acquisition with Applied Biosystems hybrid quadrupole/time-of-flight instruments that can perform multiple precursor ion scans in a single experiment. Neither those programs nor FAAT are readily applicable to MS data acquired with triple quadrupole or ion trap instruments.Here we describe an approach to pro...