DOI: 10.1051/lait:1998329
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Characterization of aroma compounds in the volatile fraction of soft goat cheese during ripening

Abstract: -A traditional Sainte-Maure soft cheese was analyzed from 2 days to 31 days of ripening for ils gross composition, total and free fatty acid distribution and the aroma cornpounds in the volaiile fraction of cheese, which were studied by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Cheese ripening was characterized by a very low level of casein proteolysis, 5%, which was hydrolyzed in low molecular mass peptides, and by a high lipolysis level, up to 6% of free to total fatty acids at the end of ripening. … Show more

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Cited by 60 publications
(53 citation statements)
References 16 publications
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“…In the Tarentaise cattle breed, Beaufort cheeses made with β-Cn C milk are more lipolysed and taste more pungent and smell stronger [76]. In goats, milk of defective α s1 genotypes (F or O) exhibit higher lipoprotein lipase activity at mid-lactation than the A α s1 genotype and have a stronger goat flavour because it is specifically linked to C 8 branched-chain fatty acid release [23,33,34,58,59,69,70,96]. Nowadays, unpublished observations on milk skimming behaviour (Delacroix-Buchet) and on histological cutting of mammary tissue (Ollivier-Bousquet) suggest that the lack of expression for the gene encoding the α s1 -casein (F) leads to a dysfunction of the secretion mechanisms of the mammary epithelial cell.…”
Section: Endogenous Enzymesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In the Tarentaise cattle breed, Beaufort cheeses made with β-Cn C milk are more lipolysed and taste more pungent and smell stronger [76]. In goats, milk of defective α s1 genotypes (F or O) exhibit higher lipoprotein lipase activity at mid-lactation than the A α s1 genotype and have a stronger goat flavour because it is specifically linked to C 8 branched-chain fatty acid release [23,33,34,58,59,69,70,96]. Nowadays, unpublished observations on milk skimming behaviour (Delacroix-Buchet) and on histological cutting of mammary tissue (Ollivier-Bousquet) suggest that the lack of expression for the gene encoding the α s1 -casein (F) leads to a dysfunction of the secretion mechanisms of the mammary epithelial cell.…”
Section: Endogenous Enzymesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…They were soft goat cheeses of the Sainte Maure type, prepared from raw milk according to the traditional process previously described [12]. The manufacture invol ved very low rennet amounts, 0.06 mL-L-1 milk, and acidification of milk by mesophilic starters up to pH 4.3 before moulding (24 h).…”
Section: Cheesesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Preceding studies have determined its composition and the variation in composition during ripening, particularly as regards the evolution of the fat fraction, quantification and composition of total fatty acids, amounts of free fatty acids and of specifie goat aroma compounds [12]. In addition, a comparison of the properties of goat cheeses made from milks containing different cxs1-caseinvariants has been made through assessing the rheological properties of cheeses, which showed that their paracasein matrices were different [15].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Par ailleurs, la libération de mono et diglycérides qui accompagne la lipolyse peut-être à l'origine d'un défaut d'amertume dans les fromages [24]. Toutefois, la flaveur caractéristique des produits laitiers caprins est due en grande partie à certains acides gras libres, notamment aux acides gras ramifiés 4-ethyl-C8 et 4-methyl-C8 [19,25] et une corrélation entre la lipolyse et la flaveur « chèvre » du lait a été montrée [5,19,22,25,31].…”
Section: Introductionunclassified
“…Les traitements thermiques (thermisation et pasteurisation) provoquent en revanche une diminution de l'activité lipasique des laits de chèvre [7,21]. Le niveau de lipolyse des fromages de chèvre augmente au cours de l'affinage [8,17,25], et la qualité sensorielle des fromages affinés semble liée à l'activité lipolytique de la flore de surface [17]. D'autres travaux ont montré l'influence du polymorphisme génétique de la caséine α S1 caprine sur le niveau de lipolyse des laits et la qualité sensorielle des fromages de chèvre à pâte molle [8,30] et à pâte pressée [8,22].…”
Section: Introductionunclassified