1 The objective of this study was to characterize pharmacologically bradykinin (Arg-Pro-Pro-GlyPhe-Ser-Pro-Phe-Arg, BK) receptors in the canine prostate. 2 Primary cultures of canine prostate stromal (PS) and epithelial cells (PE) were established and then characterized using cell-specific antibodies (actin, vimentin and cytokeratin). Cultured cells were assayed for BK receptors using fluorometric imaging plate reader assays. In addition, isolated strips of the canine prostate were studied for BK-induced isometric contraction. 3 PS cells were labeled only with anti-actin and -vimentin antibodies, while the anti-cytokeratin antibodies labeled only the PE cells. ]BK (10 mM). BK-induced contractility was attenuated by HOE-140 (1 mM). 7 In conclusion, canine prostates express functional B2 receptors, with no apparent B1 receptor subtypes.