From resonant Raman scattering on isolated nanotubes we obtained the optical transition energies, the radial breathing mode frequency and Raman intensity of both metallic and semiconducting tubes. We unambiguously assigned the chiral index (n1, n2) of ≈ 50 nanotubes based solely on a third-neighbor tight-binding Kataura plot and find ωRBM = (214.4±2) cm −1 nm/d+(18.7±2) cm −1 . In contrast to luminescence experiments we observe all chiralities including zig-zag tubes. The Raman intensities have a systematic chiral-angle dependence confirming recent ab-initio calculations.PACS numbers: 78.67. Ch, 78.30.Na The successful preparation of single-walled carbon nanotubes in solution where the tubes are prevented from rebundling has opened a new direction in carbon nanotube research [1,2,3,4]. Strong luminescence by direct recombination from the band gap was detected in these isolated tubes, whereas in nanotube bundles no luminescence is observed. The electronic structure of carbon nanotubes and the optical transition energies vary strongly with their chiral index (n 1 , n 2 ) [5]. Because the synthesis of nanotubes with a predefined chiral index has not been achieved so far, luminescence experiments were carried out on tube ensembles with unknown composition of chiral angles. Several attempts to assign the chiral index (n 1 , n 2 ) to the experimentally observed luminescence peaks were reported [2,4,6,7]. With a unique assignment, one could validate and possibly revise theoretical models of the electronic band structure. Moreover, such an assignment would allow to characterize the tubes after their production and to control their separation [8].Bachilo et al. suggested an (n 1 , n 2 ) assignment of the first and second transition energies in semiconducting tubes [2]. Their assignment is based on pattern recognition between experiment and theory in a plot of the second transition (excitation energy) versus the first transition (emission energy) [9]. The patterns, however, were not unique, and the frequency of the radial breathing mode (RBM) was used to find an anchoring element that singles out one of the assignments. Surprisingly, zig-zag tubes were not detected in these luminescence experiments. Bachilo et al. concluded that the concentration of tubes with chiral angles close to the zig-zag direction was very low in the sample [2].The electronic transition energies of metallic nanotubes cannot be detected by luminescence experiments. An elegant approach is to record Raman resonance profiles [10,11,12,13], with maximum intensity close to the real transitions in the electronic band structure. Resonance profiles from nanotubes in solution were first reported by Strano et al. [14]; their (n 1 , n 2 ) assignment to the transition energies was based on the RBM frequency to tube diameter relationship of Ref. [2]. The resonance profiles of the so-assigned RBM peaks were then used to find an empirical expression for the transition energies in metallic tubes.In this paper we present the transition energies of both metallic a...