This paper investigates the inductive contribution to AC conductance in the granular nanocomposites (Fe0.45Co0.45Zr0.10)x(Al2O3)1−x. The initial nanocomposites studied were manufactured in Ar+O2 atmosphere by ion-beam sputtering of the target containing Fe0.45Co0.45Zr0.10 and alumina stripes and then subjected to the annealing procedure in air over the temperature range 373 K < Ta < 873 K. These samples, before and after annealing, were studied using the temperature 77 K < Tp < 300 K and frequency 50 Hz < f < 1 MHz dependences of a real part of the admittance σ(T, f ). Analysis of the observed σ(f, T p ) dependences for x < 0.5 demonstrated that in the studied samples the equivalent circuits with the capacitive and noncoil-like inductive contributions can be accomplished. Just in this case, the capacitive properties of RLC circuit with the phase angle −90• ≤ θ L < 0• are exhibited at low frequencies and the inductive properties with 0• become apparent at high frequencies. A value of the critical frequency f R , where θ H changes sign, depends on the metallic phase concentration x, measuring temperature T p , and annealing temperature T a .