In completely edentulous patients the treatment challenges are associated with aesthetics, comfort, and function. As the oral hard and soft tissues are lost it may create a severe impact on the lower one third of the facial contour. So the rehabilitation of the lost structure must be done to improve the complete facial aesthetics. The two components that are important in denture aesthetics are denture teeth and the supporting denture base. various solutions are available to restore comfort and function, but restoring the edentulous patient's aesthetic appearance is a mere challenge. Facial aesthetics and social integration of completely edentulous patient is significantly improved by using characterized denture when compared with a conventional denture. Once the patient's expectations are fulfilled it will impart a positive effect on the patient's self-esteem. So every complete denture patient must be evaluated individually and the dentist must strive to prepare a complete denture unique to that patient. The purpose of this case report is to provide unique denture characterization to fulfil patient aesthetic demands.