This experiment studied the strain parameters of rolling an aluminum matrix when wire netting is inserted between aluminum layers. During the experiment, two types of stainless steel fabric netting oriented parallel and diagonal to the rolling axis were placed between two aluminum strips and rolled. Multiple rolling processes were performed in which the temperature and pressure on the material were varied to produce bonding of matrix layers. During the study, the following main investigations were made: strain on areas of longitudinal and transverse cross sections of the composite was measured; stretching and ovalization of net wiring and changes in the net cell angles were determined; mechanical properties of composites along the rolling direction were tested. The main contradiction resulting from this experiment was as follows: the contact pressure required for the bonding of aluminum layers produces extreme tensile strain on the inserted net wires, reducing the mechanical properties of the reinforcing net and thus reducing properties of the entire composite. Optimal results in the longitudinal tension tests were achieved by using strips with diagonally oriented net-reinforcement.