To investigate the requirements for adhesion molecules in neutrophil emigration during peritonitis, mice received intraperitoneal injections of Streptococcus pneumoniae while the functions of multiple adhesion molecules were blocked. Emigration after 4 h was compromised by antibodies against ICAM-1 or genetic deficiency of ICAM-1. Anti-CD11a/CD18 antibodies decreased emigration in ICAM-1 mutant mice, suggesting that ICAM-1 independent emigration requires CD11/CD18 complexes. In contrast, mice mutant in ICAM-1 plus E-selectin showed no defect in emigration, suggesting that E-selectin commits neutrophils to an ICAM-1-dependent pathway during streptococcal peritonitis. However, in mutant mice lacking the three endothelial adhesion molecules E-selectin, P-selectin, and ICAM-1, emigration after 4 h was significantly compromised. Thus, P-selectin is essential to ICAM-1-and E-selectin-independent acute peritoneal inflammation. After 24 h of peritonitis, there were no differences between WT and E-selectin/P-selectin/ ICAM-1 mutant mice, demonstrating that these endothelial adhesion molecules are not essential to neutrophil emigration during later stages of peritonitis. J. Leukoc. Biol. 64: 291-297; 1998.