ATP synthase ͉ bi-site catalysis ͉ phosphate ͉ sulfate ͉ tri-site catalysis D uring oxidative and photophosphorylation, F o F 1 -ATP synthase is responsible for reversible synthesis of ATP coupled to transmembrane movement of H ϩ (or, in some bacteria, Na ϩ ). The enzyme can be separated into two multisubunit components, the membranous factor F o , which in bacteria consists of a ring of c subunits and an a and b subunit in a stoichiometry of ab 2 c n , and the soluble factor F 1 with a subunit composition of ␣ 3  3 ␥␦. Energy transformation by F o F 1 is best described by the binding change mechanism (1) and involves a rotation of a complex of subunits (␥c n , rotor) within the rest of the enzyme (stator) (2, 3). F 1 is the catalytic component of ATP synthase and, when isolated, is capable only of net ATP hydrolysis. In the crystal structure of F 1 from beef heart mitochondria (MF 1 ), six nucleotide-binding sites are located at the interfaces between ␣ and  subunits that are arranged alternately around an asymmetrical ␣-helical-coiled coil formed by ␥-subunit (4). Three of the nucleotide-binding sites formed mostly by side chains of  subunits are catalytic, and another three primarily on ␣ subunits are noncatalytic (5).Three different conformations of  subunits in the crystal structure of MF 1 are associated with asymmetric interactions with the ␥ subunit and are thought to represent distinct states that each of the catalytic sites sequentially assumes during catalytic cycle according to the binding change mechanism (4). That the ␥ subunit plays a crucial role in determining properties of the catalytic sites is supported by the crystal structure of ␣ 3  3 -subcomplex of F 1 from the thermophilic Bacillus PS3 (TF 1 ). In this structure, all of the  subunits are in very similar conformations, and the three catalytic sites are in a state similar to one of the three states (open) found in the crystal structure of MF 1 (6). In addition, the strong positive catalytic cooperativity in catalysis by F 1 (7,8) that is mediated by a rotation of ␥ subunit (9, 10) is lacking in the ␣ 3  3 -subcomplex. Interactions between ␣ and  subunits are also considered as contributing to the modulation of the state of catalytic sites in F 1 (11,12).Whether asymmetric interactions of the three  subunits with ␥, together with ␣/ interactions, are sufficient to induce asymmetry in the properties of the catalytic sites is not clear. According to Senior and colleagues (13-15), intersubunit interactions in F 1 alone cannot induce nucleotide-binding heterogeneity at catalytic sites. Based on observations obtained with Y331W-mutant F 1 from Escherichia coli (EcF 1 ), it has been argued that in the absence of Mg 2ϩ , all three catalytic sites bind nucleotides with identical and low affinity and are in a similar state. Mg 2ϩ is considered to play a crucial role in inducing asymmetry between catalytic sites, with high-affinity nucleotide binding at a single catalytic site. This role, according to (15), extends beyond Mg 2ϩ being simpl...