16Here we proposed the hypothesis that hypervirulent colistin resistant K.pneumoniae (ColR-Kp) exhibit 17 high number of virulence factors and have enhanced survival capacity against neutrophil activity.
18We studied virulence genes of ColR-Kp isolates and neutrophil response in 142 patients with invasive 19 infections.
20The patients infected with hypervirulent ST101 and ST395 ColR-Kp had higher 30-day mortality (58%, 21 p=0.005 and 75%, p=0.003, respectively. The yersiniabactin biosynthesis gene (ybtS) and ferric uptake 22 operon associated gene (kfu) were significantly higher in ST101 (99%, p=<0.001) and in ST395 23 (94%,p<0.012). Being in ICU (OR: 7.9; CI: 1.43-55.98; p=0.024), kfu (OR:27.0; CI:5.67-179.65; p<0.001) 24 and ST101 (OR: 17.2; CI: 2.45-350.40; p=0.01) were found to be predictors of 30-day mortality. The 25 uptake of kfu + -ybtS + ColR-Kp by neutrophils was significantly higher than kfu --ybtS -ColR-Kp (78% vs 26 65%, p<0.001). However, kfu + -ybtS + ColR-Kp were more resistant to the killing activity of neutrophils 27 than negative ones (7.90 vs 4.22; p=0.001). The kfu + -ybtS + ColR-Kp stimulated excessive NET formation 28 while the NET's against kfu --ybtS -ColR-Kp were weak and rare.
29Iron uptake systems enhance successful survival of K.pneumoniae against neutrophil phagocytic 30 defense, and stimulate excessive NET formation. The drugs targeted to iron uptake systems would be 31 a promising approach for treatment of hypervirulent K.pneumoniae infections. 32 33 34 35 39 40 41 65 diseases, type of infection, isolation site, blood biochemical parameters, predisposing factors such as 66 having operation within last one month, intensive care unit admission (ICU), type of antimicrobial 67 agents used for empirical and agent-specific therapy, duration of colistin therapy before isolation of 68 colistin-resistant isolates, and carbapenem resistance was used. The patients were followed up for 157 13.13) vs 4.22 (range:0.36-5.64), respectively (p=0.001). The survival index of S.epidermidis and 158 K.pneumoniae controls were 0.64 and 1.89, respectively (Figure2). The survival index of two ybtSkfu + 159isolates were 12.04 and 12.13, and it was 5.13 in one ybtS + kfuisolate.
161Among 21 isolates, four was in ST101 clone. The median phagocytosis rate 80% was found to be and 162 the survival index was 8.51.
164After NETosis, the mean colony count of two kfu + -ybtS + isolates was 5.50X10 6 and it was 4.05x10 6 for 165 kfu --ybtSstrains. The colony count of ATCC K.pneumoniae was 4.3x10 6 . Confocal microscopy study 166 showed that the kfu + -ybtS + isolate stimulated abundant NET formation with excessive release of 167 chromatin granular content to the extracellular area. However, the NET's against kfu --ybtSnegative 168 ColR-Kp were weak and seen only in few areas (Figure 3). 169 170 Discussion 171 ColR-HvKP infections are usually fatal because of limited therapeutic options due to extensive drug 172 resistance and successful immune escape mechanisms of these pathogens. Alternative approaches are