We control the relative coupling strength of carrier and first order motional sideband interactions of a trapped ion by placing it in a resonant optical standing wave. Our configuration uses the surface of a microfabricated chip trap as a mirror, avoiding technical challenges of in-vacuum optical cavities. Displacing the ion along the standing wave, we show a periodic suppression of the carrier and sideband transitions with the cycles for the two cases 180 • out of phase with each other. This technique allows for suppression of off-resonant carrier excitations when addressing the motional sidebands, and has applications in quantum simulation and quantum control. Using the standing wave fringes, we measure the relative ion height as a function of applied electric field, allowing for a precise measurement of ion displacement and, combined with measured micromotion amplitudes, a validation of trap numerical models.The excitation spectrum of a trapped ion in a radio frequency (RF) trap acquires sidebands due to the harmonic motion of the ion ( Fig. 1(a)) [1]. The interaction between an optical field and the the trapped ion leads to an almost ideal Jaynes-Cummings interaction [2, 3] which couples the internal degrees of freedom to the ion motion and is the basis for two-qubit gates in ion trap quantum computation [4][5][6]. Sideband interactions are used in trapped ion experiments for a variety of additional functions such as cooling to the motional ground state [7], measurements of the ion heating rate [8,9], and identifying and cooling molecular ions [10][11][12]. Off-resonant coupling to the carrier transition, either evident as motion independent population transfer or an AC Stark shift, places a limit on the speed of the sideband interactions. Suppressing the carrier can remove this limit and, in particular, would allow for improved two-qubit gate fidelities as the gate time becomes comparable or shorter than a cycle of the harmonic motion [5,13].Suppression of the carrier also has applications in quantum simulation. Trapped ions have been proposed as a system for modeling the expansion of the universe [14]. The simulation requires off-resonant excitation of both the red and blue sidebands by a red-detuned exciting field, with no coupling to the carrier. Because the blue sideband is both weaker and further from resonance than the carrier transition, suppression of the carrier is important for such an experiment.Replacing running wave optical beams with standing wave beams provides a method to selectively suppress the carrier and reduce off-resonant excitations when addressing the motional sidebands [15,16]. In such a configuration, the coupling strengths of the carrier and sidebands acquire a periodic dependence on the atom's spatial po-sition within the standing wave fringes [15,17], with the cycles for the two cases 180 • out of phase with each other. Standing wave beams have also been proposed for use in measuring parity nonconservation effects in trapped ions for this reason [18,19]. This periodic dependence ...