Antibodies play a crucial role in the rejection of an organ that has been transplanted between different animal species, i.e. xenotransplantation. In previous work, we have induced a state of humoral tolerance where mouse-to-rat heart grafts continued to beat under ciclosporine A monotherapy. Initially, a combined treatment with ciclosporine A and 15-deoxyspergualin was given. This state of tolerance could not be reproduced when the vascularised heart graft was replaced with a free tissue graft or xenogeneic blood transfusions. To gain further insight into the humoral response against mouse antigens, we studied the antibody production in naive rats and rats challenged with heart transplants, heart cells, mononuclear cells (MNC) and erythrocytes from mice. Rats not challenged with any mouse cells or organs had a moderate amount of antibodies targeted against mouse MNC as well as rosette-forming cells in the spleen targeted against mouse erythrocytes. A challenge with either mouse MNC or erythrocytes lead to immunisation with antibodies of both IgM and IgG subtype directed against both MNC and erythrocytes. Antibody titres against mouse erythrocytes in animals challenged with MNC were not detectable until day 7, whereas antibody titres against mouse MNC in animals challenged with erythrocytes were detected on day 1. Immunisation with mouse erythrocytes raised the titre of rosette-forming cells in the spleen compared with naive rats (P < 0.05). Our data indicate that different xenogeneic antigens in the mouse-to-rat system are shared between heart cells, MNC and erythrocytes; however, the immunisation patterns differ regarding the time when antibodies are first detected.