Reliable, predictable engineering
of cellular behavior is one of
the key goals of synthetic biology. As the field matures, biological
engineers will become increasingly reliant on computer models that
allow for the rapid exploration of design space prior to the more
costly construction and characterization of candidate designs. The
efficacy of such models, however, depends on the accuracy of their
predictions, the precision of the measurements used to parametrize
the models, and the tolerance of biological devices for imperfections
in modeling and measurement. To better understand this relationship,
we have derived an Engineering Error Inequality that
provides a quantitative mathematical bound on the relationship between
predictability of results, model accuracy, measurement precision,
and device characteristics. We apply this relation to estimate measurement
precision requirements for engineering genetic regulatory networks
given current model and device characteristics, recommending a target
standard deviation of 1.5-fold. We then compare these requirements
with the results of an interlaboratory study to validate that these
requirements can be met via flow cytometry with matched instrument
channels and an independent calibrant. On the basis of these results,
we recommend a set of best practices for quality control of flow cytometry
data and discuss how these might be extended to other measurement
modalities and applied to support further development of genetic regulatory
network engineering.