A sum of 218 composite rhizosphere soil samples were collected from around the feeder roots of mango, Mangifera indica growing in Jazan region, the tropical south west corner of Saudi Arabia. Samples were rendered for nematodes extraction using the centrifugal floatation method, and the stylet-bearing nematodes were morphologically identified according to the standardized taxonomical keys. A list of 14 stylet-bearing nematode genera and/or species were found to be associating the roots of mango in this study. Species identification of the most important parasitic nematodes, in this list, was carried-out, based on morphometrics and morphological features. Identification of these species was then molecularly confirmed using the D3 expansion region of 28S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene. These nematodes included; Tylenchorhynchus mediterraneus, Hoplolaimus seinhorsti, Hemicriconemoides strictathecatus, Longidorus latocephalus and Xiphinema elongatum. Some new local nematode-host records in Saudi Arabia were recorded including; Aphelenchus sp., H. strictathecatus, L. latocephalus, and T. mediterraneus. Some new world nematode-host records were also reported including; L. latocephalus and T. mediterraneus.