This paper presents a macroscale and mesoscale dynamic analysis of the forced vibration of a free-standing bridge of superelastic shape memory alloy TiNiCuCo for novel miniature scale damping devices with ultra-low fatigue properties. The effects of pre-straining and excitation load are investigated in order to define an optimum operation point for a SMA bridge damper device. The analysis is performed under non-isothermal conditions by taking into account the heat transfer and the rate-dependence of release and absorption of latent heat.The global trend of miniaturization and the demand for increased functionalities foster the development of novel miniature systems that incorporates electro-mechanical, thermo-mechanical and opto-mechanical devices. The deployment of such systems in vibrating environment requires damping and shock isolation.Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) exhibit the superelastic effect based on a stress-induced phase transformation. Because of large reversible strain up to 5%, the ability of working in a large stress range up to 500 MPa and exhibiting large work density, SMAs are highly promising for damping applications [1,2]. Due to a strong coupling of thermal, electrical and mechanical properties, SMAs exhibit multifunctional properties while keeping designs simple. Moreover, with regard to heat transfer, SMA films are able to rapidly change temperature due to the large surface-to-volume ratio. Recent studies on simulation damping effects based on SMAs were focusing on macroscale devices, see e.g. [3][4][5]. Here, the damping performance of a free standing bridge of superelastic TiNiCuCo SMA film is investigated using a hybrid model combining thermodynamics based Gibbs free energy and phase-field formulation. By this approach, it is possible to describe the dynamic evolution of strain and temperature on the mesoscale and to correlate the results with macroscale damping performance.