Abstract. Let Ω ⊆ R n be open and E ⊆ Ω be a bounded set which is closed relative to Ω. We characterize those pairs (Ω, E) such that, for each harmonic function h on Ω which is uniformly continuous on E, there is a sequence of harmonic polynomials which converges to h uniformly on E. As an immediate corollary we obtain a characterization of Mergelyan pairs for harmonic functions.
ResultsLet Ω be an open set in Euclidean space R n (n ≥ 2) and let E ⊆ Ω be a bounded set which is closed relative to Ω. Also, let f | E denote the restriction of a function f to E. We call (Ω, E) a Mergelyan pair for harmonic functions if each harmonic function h on Ω for which h| E is uniformly continuous on E can be uniformly approximated by harmonic polynomials on K ∪ E for every compact subset K of Ω. This paper presents a complete characterization of Mergelyan pairs for harmonic functions. The corresponding problem for holomorphic functions was solved by Stray [12] in the particular case where Ω is the unit disc, and then by Brown and Shields [2, p. 79 and Theorem 3] for general plane domains.We will need some notation. If K is a compact subset of R n , then K denotes the union of K with the bounded (connected) components of R n \K. Let A denote the Alexandroff (ideal) point for Ω. If V is a connected open subset of Ω and there is a continuous function p : [0, +∞) → V such that p(t) → A as t → +∞, then we say that A is accessible from V . We define E ∼ to be the union of E with the connected components of Ω\E from which A is not accessible. Note that the definition of E ∼ involves Ω, whereas the definition of K does not. Also, the notation E means (E) . We refer to Doob [6, 1.XI] for an account of thin sets.
Theorem 1. Let Ω be an open set in Rn and E ⊆ Ω be a bounded set which is closed relative to Ω. The following are equivalent :(a) each harmonic function h on Ω for which h| E is uniformly continuous on E can be uniformly approximated on E by harmonic polynomials; (b) R n \E and R n \E ∼ are thin at the same points of E.
Corollary 1.Let Ω be an open set in R n and E ⊆ Ω be a bounded set which is closed relative to Ω. The following are equivalent :(a) (Ω, E) is a Mergelyan pair for harmonic functions;