Elastic distortion of a structural element of the actomyosin complex is fundamental to the ability of myosin to generate motile forces. An elastic element allows strain to develop within the actomyosin complex (cross-bridge) before movement. Relief of this strain then drives filament sliding, or more generally, movement of a cargo. Even with the known crystal structure of the myosin head, however, the structural element of the actomyosin complex in which elastic distortion occurs remained unclear. To assign functional relevance to various structural elements of the myosin head, e.g., to identify the elastic element within the cross-bridge, we studied mechanical properties of muscle fibers from patients with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with point mutations in the head domain of the -myosin heavy chain. We found that the Arg-719 3 Trp (Arg719Trp) mutation, which is located in the converter domain of the myosin head fragment, causes an increase in force generation and fiber stiffness under isometric conditions by 48 -59%. Under rigor and relaxing conditions, fiber stiffness was 45-47% higher than in control fibers. Yet, kinetics of active cross-bridge cycling were unchanged. These findings, especially the increase in fiber stiffness under rigor conditions, indicate that cross-bridges with the Arg719Trp mutation are more resistant to elastic distortion. The data presented here strongly suggest that the converter domain that forms the junction between the catalytic and the light-chain-binding domain of the myosin head is not only essential for elastic distortion of the cross-bridge, but that the main elastic distortion may even occur within the converter domain itself.
It is widely accepted that active force and movement generated by muscle fibers result from structural changes in the head domain of the myosin molecule (the cross-bridge) while it is attached to the actin filament. These changes are thought to involve a tilting of the light-chain-binding domain of the myosin head relative to its catalytic domain (1-7). As a result of such structural changes distortion of an elastic element within the actin-attached myosin head allows strain to develop before movement (8). Relief of this strain drives sliding of actin filaments past the myosin filaments, or alternatively, if filament sliding is prevented, active force is generated because of continued strain of the elastic element. Despite the central significance of this concept, however, it remained unclear which part of the actomyosin complex represents the elastic element-i.e., the element that experiences the main elastic distortion while other parts act more like rigid bodies. Neither the known crystal structures of the myosin head nor cryo-electron microscopy with reconstruction of the actomyosin complex have resolved this question. Some authors considered elastic bending of the long, light-chain-binding ␣-helix an obvious candidate (4, 9, 10). The actin-myosin interface (11) or the junction between the lightchain domain and the catalytic domain of the...