Phase diagram of the Bi-Cu-Ga ternary system has been investigated experimentally with 27 alloys and analytically by using a Calphad method. Thirteen annealed alloys at 200 °C were investigated by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) methods. Temperatures of phase transformation were determined with 14 alloys which are lying along three vertical sections .5 by using differential thermal analysis (DTA). Based on the experimental result and by using Calphad method, ternary phase diagrams were constructed with a new description of liquidus phase. Calculated phase diagram and experimentally obtained results are in good agreement. Liquidus projection and invariant reaction were calculated by using new thermodynamic parameters for liquidus phase.
Jo u rn al o f Min in g an d Met allu rgy, S ect ion B: Met a llu rg yDOI:10.2298/JMMB170505017M coppers, high copper alloys, brass, and bronzes.Chosen ternary system belongs to the brasses family of cast copper-bismuth alloys. To the best of our knowledge, the thermodynamic description of ternary Bi-Cu-Ga system has not been investigated up to now.
Experimental procedureAll samples with total masses of about 3 g were prepared from high purity Bi, Cu and Ga (99.999 at. %) produced by Alfa Aesar (Germany) in an induction furnace under high-purity argon atmosphere. The average weight loss of the samples during melting was about 1 mass %.After melting, samples for the SEM-EDS and XRD investigation were put into quartz glass