DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.12.114
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Characterization of PBDEs and novel brominated flame retardants in seawater near a coastal mariculture area of the Bohai Sea, China

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Cited by 57 publications
(23 citation statements)
References 51 publications
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“…However, the TBP-DBPE concentrations observed here (0.005-0.039 ng/L) were a little lower than those of the Elbe River in Central Europe (n.d.-0.07 ng/L) (Moller et al, 2012). Moreover, the total levels of the three aBFRs (HBB, EH-TBB, and TBE) in the present study were lower than those of water samples from the coastal mariculture area in the Bohai Sea, China (HBB, 1.23-9.43 ng/L;EH-TBB, 0.810-6.69 ng/L; TBE, 0.03-0.150 ng/L) (Wang et al, 2017). Overall, the range of DBDPE concentrations measured in the present study was higher those in previous studies of aquatic environments around the worldwide.…”
Section: Concentrations Of Hfrs In the Water Samplescontrasting
confidence: 67%
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“…However, the TBP-DBPE concentrations observed here (0.005-0.039 ng/L) were a little lower than those of the Elbe River in Central Europe (n.d.-0.07 ng/L) (Moller et al, 2012). Moreover, the total levels of the three aBFRs (HBB, EH-TBB, and TBE) in the present study were lower than those of water samples from the coastal mariculture area in the Bohai Sea, China (HBB, 1.23-9.43 ng/L;EH-TBB, 0.810-6.69 ng/L; TBE, 0.03-0.150 ng/L) (Wang et al, 2017). Overall, the range of DBDPE concentrations measured in the present study was higher those in previous studies of aquatic environments around the worldwide.…”
Section: Concentrations Of Hfrs In the Water Samplescontrasting
confidence: 67%
“…Owing to weak water-solubility and large K ow values, HFRs are susceptible to partitioning into sediment, suspended organic matter, and dissolved organic matter (DOC) after being released into water (Wang et al, 2017). Besides, Kuivikko et al, 2010 reported that DOC had a major impact on the partitioning and the fate of hydrophobic contaminants in a coastal environment.…”
Section: Spatial Distribution and Fate Of Hfrs In The Estuarine Samplesmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The BS is a semi-closed water body with a narrow strait to the Yellow Sea, and includes three bays: Liaodong Bay (LDB), Bohai Bay (BB), and LB. Extremely high concentrations of BFRs have been detected in the inland region around the BS and in coastal waters as a result of emissions from manufacturing and consumption (Chen et al, 2019(Chen et al, , 2020Shao et al, 2016;Wang et al, 2017). The Bohai Rim (BR) is surrounded by Tianjin City and Shandong, Hebei, and Liaoning provinces, which have experienced rapid industrialization, urbanization, and economic development in recent decades (He et al, 2018;Zhao et al, 2011;Zheng et al, 2016).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) account for a large group of FRs used for firefighting. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are the second highest production group of BFRs, and their presence has been reported in different environmental matrixes as water (Wang et al, 2017;Ricklund et al, 2010); sediment (Ross et al, 2009); soil (Akortia et al, 2017) and biota (Eulaers et al, 2014;Boyles et al, 2017). In soils and sediments, photolytic degradation and debromination are possible (Segev et al, 2009;Lee and He, 2010).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%